ordo 的定义
plural or·di·nes [awr-dn-eez]. /ˈɔr dnˌiz/.
- Roman Catholic Church. a booklet containing short and abbreviated directions for the contents of the office and Mass of each day in the year.
- They exhibit the three indispensable gifts of the finest authorship: "simplicitas munditiis," "lucidus ordo," "curiosa felicitas."
- What rule should a priest follow when he finds in the Ordo a regulation which he believes to be certainly incorrect?
- But if the mistake be not clearly and evidently such, the priest should follow the Ordo.
- Referring to the words 'et nullus ordo,' in Job x. 22; see 177 above.
- Primo ratione ordinis connotandi, ut scilicet ordo reparationis responderet ordini praevaricationis.