opinioned / əˈpɪn yənd /


opinioned 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having an opinion, especially of a specified kind.
  2. obstinate or dogmatic in one's opinions; opinionated.


  1. With all his strong and sterling qualities he was regarded by the world in general, as, perhaps, a little hard and self-opinioned.
  2. He is not so well opinioned of himself, as industrious to make others, and thinks no vice so prejudicial as blushing.
  3. And this is opinioned, because in holy Scripture it is recorded he sometimes wept, but never that he laughed.
  4. "That's so," assented the easy-opinioned Shorty, exactly as if he had always maintained this view.
  5. He had laughed at her cavalier mention of himself, but he was very willing to instruct this self-opinioned young person.