ophthalmoscope / ɒfˈθæl məˌskoʊp, ɒp- /


ophthalmoscope 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an instrument for viewing the interior of the eye or examining the retina.


  1. With the advent of the ophthalmoscope, for instance, how innumerable and complicated appear the diseases of the eye.
  2. Rapidly occurring monocular visual disturbances are noticed, whether detected with or without the ophthalmoscope.
  3. (vii) Whether the foreign body is visible with the ophthalmoscope or by focal illumination.
  4. An appreciation of the condition of the optic disk is one of the chief objects of the ophthalmoscope.
  5. Choroiditis and retinitis may also occur, and leave permanent changes easily recognised on examination with the ophthalmoscope.