on-record / ˈɒnˌrɛk ərd, ˈɔn- /


on-record 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. intended for publication, especially as news: an on-record comment.
  2. official or public: on-record policy.


  1. Just the hard-on before you shoot unarmed members of the public.
  2. That would truly be a milestone to celebrate—until you see what that record “diversity” actually means.
  3. Three on-the-record stories from a family: a mother and her daughters who came from Phoenix.
  4. You just travel light with carry-on luggage, go to cities that you love, and get to hang out with all your friends.
  5. It was a brick wall that we turned into the on-ramp of a highway.
  6. Let them open their minds to us, let them put upon permanent record the significance of all their intrigues and manœuvres.
  7. Because the universe is governed by laws, and there is no credible instance on record of those laws being suspended.
  8. Its record is largely that of battles and sieges, of the brave adventure of discovery and the vexed slaughter of the nations.
  9. A ray of Consciousness is passed over that impression and you re-read it, you re-awaken the record.
  10. To-day I have stood in the main battery which has fired a shot establishing, in its way, a record in the annals of destruction.