oleum / ˈoʊ li əm /


oleum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural o·le·a [oh-lee-uh] /ˈoʊ li ə/ for 1, o·le·ums for 2.

  1. Pharmacology. oil.
  2. Chemistry. pyrosulfuric acid.


  1. Greek-fire was the precursor of gunpowder; it was the oleum incendiarum of the Romans.
  2. Iterumque, Quinti Julii Murranii stagium opobalsamatum, sive myrrhæ oleum opobalsamo permixtum, ad cap.
  3. A sample of B. Oleum Iodine was submitted by the manufacturer and examined.
  4. A few crystals of ammonium chlorid were added to a little of B. Oleum Iodine and treated as above.
  5. From the Latin oleum, formed from olea, olive-tree, the fruit of which abounds in oil.