oidium / oʊˈɪd i əm /


oidium 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural o·id·i·a [oh-id-ee-uh]. /oʊˈɪd i ə/. Mycology.

  1. one of the conidia that are borne in chains by certain fungi.
  2. a thin-walled spore derived from the fragmentation of a hypha into its component cells.


  1. The original vines on the estate perished in the late 19th century from oidium and phylloxera, and Klein Constantia shut down.
  2. Shortly after the flies had some mouldy cream, the Oidium lactis was found in their fæces.
  3. In this ripening there is a prompt development of a heavy viscous slime, which consists of Oidium and bacteria.
  4. This occurs very rapidly under the attack of Oidium lactis accompanied by bacteria.
  5. This consists of bacteria of several forms, yeasts, Oidium lactis and accidental species of other molds.
  6. On roses the old Oidium leucoconium is but the conidia of Sphærotheca pannosa, and so of other species.