often / ˈɔ fən, ˈɒf ən; ˈɔf tən, ˈɒf- /


often2 个定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. many times; frequently: He visits his parents as often as he can.
  2. in many cases.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Archaic. frequent.

often 近义词

adv. 副词 adverb



  1. In addition, another set of samples was collected in patients who were convalescing from the often-fatal disease.
  2. CeleryThis often-overlooked veggie is way more than chicken wing garnish!
  3. A leitmotif on journalism threads through this often-byzantine narrative.
  4. But even that often-frosty relationship has further chilled as the two sides hurled insults and accusations this week.
  5. This is also the era when the rare event of a star dying too young became an all-too-often occurrence.
  6. A few inarticulate grunts were the only answers he could give to our often-repeated remonstrances.
  7. In contrast with these childish pieces of anthropomorphism, we have the famous and sublime speculations of an often-quoted hymn.
  8. The American Country Girl is doing her full share and often-times more than her share.
  9. But the conception of this often-repeated figure is charming: it would make a garden seem more peaceful in the sunshine.
  10. We sit on the floor in front of the hearth, and I suffer the often-repeated martyrdom of the "Fire Pig."