off-price / ˈɔfˈpraɪs, ˈɒf- /


off-price 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. offering or dealing in goods, especially brand-name apparel, at prices lower than those at regular retail stores or discount stores.
  2. designating, of, or pertaining to such merchandise: off-price designer jeans.


  1. Although the blood-spattered offices will be off-limits, staff have vowed to continue producing the magazine.
  2. A passing off-duty school safety officer named Fred Lucas said that he had been told the man was a drug dealer.
  3. “Price for adults to $4250; From 10 years to 14 years to $2125; Under 10 years free,” the listing says.
  4. The NOPD fired Knight in 1973 for stealing lumber from a construction site as an off-duty cop.
  5. The off-year special election into which Duke threw himself drew little media notice at first.
  6. A far-off volley rumbled over the plain, and a few birds stirred uneasily among the trees.
  7. (p. 054) At this period it appears that tobacco was used as money, and as the measure of price and value.
  8. Yielding to the advice of his friends, he put on it a price the amount of which abashed him.
  9. The great Mr. Abrahams had an unlimited commission to secure at any price, a long list of great works.
  10. If the high wage is paid and the short hours are granted, then the price of the thing made, so it seems, rises higher still.