oesophageal / ɪˌsɒf əˈdʒi əl, ˌi səˈfædʒ i əl /


oesophageal 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. Infra-oesophageal: situated below oesophagus; see sub-oesophageal.
  2. From each of these sub-oesophageal ganglia numerous nerves arise.
  3. Commonly among the terrestrial forms there is a gizzard, or two gizzards, or a larger number, in the oesophageal region.
  4. A non-malignant ulceration may result which later leads on to an oesophageal stricture.
  5. Crura cerebri: two large cords that connect the supra- with the sub-oesophageal ganglion.