odorless / ˈoʊ dər /


odorless 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the property of a substance that activates the sense of smell: to have an unpleasant odor.
  2. a sensation perceived by the sense of smell; scent.
  3. an agreeable scent; fragrance.
  4. a disagreeable smell.
  5. a quality or property characteristic or suggestive of something: An odor of suspicion surrounded his testimony.
  6. repute: in bad odor with the whole community.
  7. Archaic. something that has a pleasant scent.

odorless 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

without fragrance


  1. Known as parosmia, the often temporary odor distortion makes things smell different, and usually unpleasant, said Richard Doty, director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Smell and Taste Center.
  2. Also crucial, they have the brand’s proprietary SweatMax technology to eliminate odor.
  3. The first layer of odor processing involves olfactory sensory neurons, each of which expresses only one of about 50 types of odor receptors.
  4. They have this really dedicated instrument, their nose, the very outside of their nose is actually designed to catch a lot of odor molecules.
  5. After this, the air is going through an activated carbon filter, which removes odors and smoke.
  6. And honestly, sitting downwind of the dogs, I'd realized my theory of the odorless wintertime Arctic didn't always hold.
  7. First, they apply a small spot of odorless dye on the animal.
  8. The men doing the sniffing were not told what was in the vial, and reported that the liquid was odorless.
  9. It is used for concrete forms, sheathing, studding and for dairy containers and packages that must be odorless and tasteless.
  10. As a metal it surpasses copper, brass, and tin in being tasteless and odorless, besides being stronger than either.
  11. Sometimes I think they should invent a brass polish that is odorless.
  12. This is a very effectual poison, because it is both tasteless and odorless.
  13. The gas is extremely poisonous, and all the more dangerous because it is odorless, colorless and tasteless.