odeum / oʊˈdi əm /


odeum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural o·de·a [oh-dee-uh]. /oʊˈdi ə/.

  1. a hall, theater, or other structure for musical or dramatic performances.
  2. a roofed building for musical performances.

odeum 近义词


等同于 theater/theatre


等同于 theater


  1. I will repair the old Odeum—they have made a cowhouse of it—and when we sing there the monks may come and listen!
  2. Another proposes that the palace shall be built on the side of the Acropolis towards the sea, near the Odeum.
  3. The Odeum of Regilla stands at the foot of the rock of the Acropolis.
  4. Again sweet voices chimed pleasantly, and the softest Ionian cadences floated out from the roofless Odeum.
  5. Until he reached well into the city near the Odeum, he had little opposition, but there the troops questioned him.