octant / ˈɒk tənt /


octant 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the eighth part of a circle.
  2. Mathematics. any of the eight parts into which three mutually perpendicular planes divide space.
  3. an instrument having an arc of 24°, used by navigators for measuring angles up to 90°.
  4. the position of one heavenly body when 45° distant from another.
  5. Astronomy. the constellation Octans.


  1. Thus fig. 59 conveniently represents an octant of the wave surface, which cuts each coordinate plane in a circle and an ellipse.
  2. It is the sextant or some member of the sextant family - such as the quadrant, octant, etc.
  3. A third staff (or an octant) was fixed at the end of the horizon-staff, and upon it the angle observed could be read off.
  4. The third plane will lie horizontal or equatorial, and will divide each of these quarters into an upper and lower octant.
  5. Excluded, of course, are those instruments normally made of wood, such as the octant and the mariners quadrant.