octahedron / ˌɒk təˈhi drən /


octahedron 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural oc·ta·he·drons, oc·ta·he·dra [ok-tuh-hee-druh]. /ˌɒk təˈhi drə/.

  1. a solid figure having eight faces.


  1. He doubted, for the same reason, that particles of air could be shaped like an octahedron.
  2. Dmitry Fuchs proved the results for the octahedron and icosahedron the next year.
  3. Of the stauraxonia isopola we have, for instance, the double pyramids, one of the simplest forms of the octahedron.
  4. Its crystalline forms are very numerous, and are referrible to the octahedron, and the pyramidal prism.
  5. The prevailing form of crystallization is the rectangular octahedron, whose angles and edges are variously modified.
  6. The members of the group are all tetrads, and have eight funnels, opening on the eight faces of the octahedron.
  7. We have again the funnel with its ovoids, but now there are eight funnels opening on the eight faces of the octahedron.