ocellus / oʊˈsɛl əs /


ocellus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural o·cel·li [oh-sel-ahy]. /oʊˈsɛl aɪ/.

  1. a type of simple eye common to invertebrates, consisting of retinal cells, pigments, and nerve fibers.
  2. an eyelike spot, as on a peacock feather.


  1. Stem′let, a little or young stem; Stem′ma, a pedigree or family tree: an ocellus.
  2. Diameter of ocellus: Maximal outside diameter of largest (not conspicuously ovoid or oblong) ocellus on carapace.
  3. So that the ancestry of the name runs thus:—Ocellus—œillet—Willy—William.
  4. The usual markings occur, but there is no eye-spot, or ocellus, on the primaries.
  5. An ocellus with a smaller near it, called also Sesquiocellus.