oarsman / ˈɔrz mən, ˈoʊrz- /


oarsman 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural oars·men.

  1. a person who rows a boat, especially a racing boat; rower.

oarsman 近义词

n. 名词 noun


oarsman 的近义词 4


  1. To the worn-out oarsman, it seemed only a few moments later that an insistent grip on his shoulder aroused him.
  2. Jake, the better oarsman sat flat in the stern of the round-bottomed craft, paddling with quick, splashless strokes.
  3. The little beauty worked “as quick as they could swing the yards,” as the stroke oarsman remarked enthusiastically.
  4. We had to row against a strong head wind, and I, who was the principal oarsman, fell sick.
  5. The weary oarsman was glad to be relieved from his exhausting task, and promptly obeyed the order.