oaken / ˈoʊ kən /


oaken 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. made of oak: the old oaken bucket.
  2. of or relating to the oak tree.


  1. Among the Perpendicular additions to the church last named may be noted a very beautiful oaken rood-screen.
  2. Of the two ladies, one was well advanced in years, but the high-backed oaken chair in which she sat was not more upright than she.
  3. Frenziedly she caught at the heavy oaken table, and began to drag it across the room as Garnache had begged her.
  4. The fences are fastened to heavy oaken posts only three feet apart, and these posts are sunk five feet in the ground.
  5. Four oaken chairs covered with tapestry and placed around a square table were the sole furniture of the parlor.