nuthatch / ˈnʌtˌhætʃ /


nuthatch 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of numerous small, short-tailed, sharp-beaked birds of the family Sittidae that creep on trees and feed on small nuts and insects.


  1. Whenever a nasal honk-honk-honk alerts me that they’ve fluttered into my yard, I rush outside to watch red-breasted nuthatches scurry over tree trunks.
  2. Hence the nest of the nuthatch, unless discovered when in course of construction, is difficult to locate.
  3. Now and again, as they rustled some low tree, a pewee or a nuthatch would give a startled chirp.
  4. Florida White-breasted Nuthatch (atkinsi) is slightly smaller; other races are found west of the Rockies.
  5. While thus engaged, I saw a White-breasted Nuthatch, with something in its - 25 - beak, alight on the trunk of a wild cherry tree.
  6. The body and bill of the Nuthatch is stouter, and not such a pretty shape, and his bill almost turns up.