nuptial / ˈnʌp ʃəl, -tʃəl /


nuptial2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to marriage or the marriage ceremony: the nuptial day; nuptial vows.
  2. of, relating to, or characteristic of mating or the mating season of animals: nuptial behavior.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Usually nuptials. a wedding or marriage.

nuptial 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

concerning marriage


  1. Some of the most recent nuptials have involved a few NBA stars.
  2. After getting married in December 2019 and then surviving lockdown together just months after their nuptials, Nick and Kimelia Weathers Smith immediately got to work on building their family empire.
  3. Covid-19 changed so much in our lives, including nuptials, forcing couples to scale down or even cancel lavish wedding celebrations.
  4. We will only host our wedding if every guest who is medically cleared has easy access to a vaccine and is vaccinated by the time of the nuptials—which looked a lot more promising when we signed the contracts than it does now.
  5. To an onlooker, the September nuptials of Faridah and Derrick at a hotel in Kampala, the capital of God-fearing Uganda, looked like any other wedding.
  6. Specifically, more couples are beginning to request digital privacy clauses in prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements.
  7. Not long after the Dutch nuptial-nullifying company started gaining publicity, a pilot for a reality show called—what else?
  8. Chris Lee on the pitch-black pre-nuptial Indie comedy premiering at Sundance.
  9. Should pre-nuptial agreements now specify the fate of a kidney given during the marriage?
  10. I often heard Europeans remark that they considered the procession of the nuptial couch extremely improper.
  11. Putting on the nuptial robe of a passion in which life itself is concerned, the woman wraps herself in purity and whiteness.
  12. On leaving the nuptial chamber with a pretty woman in it, a man is apt to be hungry, if he is young.
  13. These are the most lugubrious nuptial felicitations that ever were offered to a bridegroom, I should fancy!
  14. Better thou and I were lying, cold and limber-stiff and dead, With a pan of burning charcoal underneath our nuptial bed!