nulla-nulla / ˈnʌl əˈnʌl ə /


nulla-nulla 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. an Aboriginal club or cudgel for use in hunting and war.


  1. Cras rhoncus, massa ac mollis convallis, dui mauris porta nulla, in fringilla tortor orci sit amet est.
  2. De ctero nulla omnino in Christianis Gentilium ritu mutatio.
  3. Nulla regula firma dari potest de impotentia physiologica senectutis in maribus.
  4. Nicholson advanced from a side-road, which brought him on their right with the nulla flowing between him and them.
  5. This cut, or nulla, was crossed by a bridge immediately behind the rebels' position.
  6. The enemy were already at the edge of the nulla, and preparing to fire, so there was no time to be lost.