nucellus / nuˈsɛl əs, nyu- /


nucellus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural nu·cel·li [noo-sel-ahy, nyoo-]. /nuˈsɛl aɪ, nyu-/. Botany.

  1. the central cellular mass of the body of the ovule, containing the embryo sac.


  1. The vessels of the cord are prolonged to the base of the nucellus n by means of the raphe r.
  2. The base of the nucellus is indicated by the chalaza ch, while the apex is at the micropyle m.
  3. The hilum or base of the seed, and the chalaza or base of the nucellus are united by means of the raphe r.
  4. The connexion between the base of the ovule and the base of the nucellus is kept up by means of the raphe r.
  5. The point where the integuments are united to the base of the nucellus is called the chalaza (figs. 111, 112).