nubia / ˈnu bi ə, ˈnyu- /


nubia 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a light, knitted woolen head scarf for women.


  1. The DCF dossier chronicles in heartbreaking detail how Nubia and Victor were betrayed by not one family but two.
  2. The furnace where the Khamsîn brewed in distant Nubia sent its warnings in advance; it was slowly travelling northward.
  3. In Egypt and Nubia it is grown to a considerable extent, as well as by most of the native tribes of the South-west.
  4. The description of a blast of this kind, which overtook Mr. Bruce, in the desert of Nubia, is still more terrible.
  5. The men of Nubia are Christians, but they are black, like the Moors, on account of the great heat of the sun.
  6. But the classic expedition by dahabiya, the ascent of the river from Cairo to Nubia, will soon have ceased to be worth making.