nubble / ˈnʌb əl /


nubble 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a small lump or piece.
  2. a small knob or protuberance.


  1. But the jest did not cheer the gloom of the marooned on Cod Lead Nubble.
  2. Ten minutes later a rival blaze mounted to the heavens from a distant part of Cod Lead Nubble.
  3. "Uncommon fash'nubble et makes the beach look, sir, a'ready," added Peter.
  4. He's fash'nubble, o' cou'se; but very conformable, considerin'—very conformable.
  5. A round nubble about 14 mile in diameter, of sharp, rocky bottom having about 40 fathoms over it.