nu-value / ˈnuˌvæl yu, ˈnyu- /


nu-value 的定义

n. 名词 noun



  1. But there's a ton of value for me in my background and my history, and losing it would be a shame.
  2. There is reference after reference to the “black community,” “black worth ethic,” and adherence to the “black value system.”
  3. As Randy notes, “Maybe there is a value in shining a light on this and asking the questions.”
  4. Canned drinks like Mercy contain up 5,000 percent of the daily value of certain vitamins.
  5. For me and some of my students, 2014 was the year of rediscovering old resources whose value is not exhausted yet.
  6. Other things being equal, the volume of voice used measures the value that the mind puts upon the thought.
  7. Of course the expression of this value is modified and characterized by the nature of the thing spoken of.
  8. Was a pupil of Caspar Netscher of Heidelberg, whose little pictures are of fabulous value.
  9. He must trust to his human merits, and not miracles, for his Sonship is of no value in this conflict.
  10. The living (value £250) is in the gift of trustees, and is now held by the Rev. M. Parker, Vicar.