nother / ˈnʌð ər /


nother 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Informal.a whole nother, an entirely different; a whole other.


  1. As a(nother) sidelight, it's clear that Romney or whoever wrote this piece doesn't actually understand what culture even is.
  2. Wal, Capm, fust thing is to fish up a bit 'f driftwood 'n' whittle out 'nother paddle.
  3. And the poor little boy what was playing with the—the not the 'nother one, you know, did so cry, but I think he soon left off.
  4. I don't know if it's 'nother opt'cal d'lusion—but you appear t' me to ha' gorrem on.
  5. Nombre superficial is at comethe of ledynge of oo nombre into a-nother, wherfor it is callede superficial, for it hathe .2.
  6. This theoreme seemeth of it selfe so manifest, that it neadeth nother demonstration nother declaraci.