nor / nɔr; unstressed nər /


nor 的定义

conj. 连词 conjunction
  1. : Neither he nor I will be there. They won't wait for you, nor for me, nor for anybody.
  2. : He left and I never saw him again, nor did I regret it.
  3. : They are happy, nor need we worry.
  4. Older Use. than.
  5. Archaic.: He nor I was there.
  6. Archaic.: Nor he nor I was there.

nor 近义词

conj. 连词 conjunction

and not


  1. Perhaps though, no city was as silently-failing-nor-publically-rehabilitating as Las Vegas.
  2. We are introduced successively to the Palestinian, the Assimilator, and the Neither-here-nor-there.
  3. Abnormal, ab-nor′mal, adj. not normal or according to rule: irregular—also Abnor′mous.
  4. I have experienced many sandstorms in Takla-makan and the Lob-nor desert, but hardly any so bad as this was.
  5. He gave me also much valuable information about the country round Nam-tso or Tengri-nor, where he was born.
  6. Swinburne dismisses him in two lines: Maximilian is a good-natured, neither here-nor-there kind of youth.