noontide / ˈnunˌtaɪd /


noontide 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the time of noon; midday.
  2. the highest or best point or part: the noontide of one's theatrical career.
  3. Literary, Archaic. midnight.

noontide 近义词


等同于 midday

noontide 的近义词 8
noontide 的反义词 1

等同于 noon

noontide 的近义词 8
noontide 的反义词 1

等同于 high noon


  1. The doors are hung with heavy curtains to exclude the noontide heat, as is still common in Italian churches.
  2. It was a pity I could not do justice to the good things we turned out upon the grass when we made our noontide halts.
  3. The hot sun poured down its noontide rays, the dust arose in parching clouds, and followed with the wind their flagging footsteps.
  4. Reverses, sickness, death—they seem to follow some people as surely as the shadow follows the sun at noontide.
  5. As there was no dividing line between the morning and noontide, neither was there any between the afternoon and evening.