nonuse / verb yuz or, for past tense form of 9, yust; noun yus /


nonuse4 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

used, us·ing.

  1. to employ for some purpose; put into service; make use of: to use a knife.
  2. to avail oneself of; apply to one's own purposes: to use the facilities.
  3. to expend or consume in use: We have used the money provided.
v. 无主动词 verb

used, us·ing.

  1. to be accustomed or customarily found: He used to go every day.
  2. Archaic. to resort, stay, or dwell customarily.
n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of employing, using, or putting into service: the use of tools.
  2. the state of being employed or used.
  3. an instance or way of employing or using something: proper use of the tool; the painter's use of color.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. use up, to consume exhaust of vigor or usefulness; finish: By the end of the war he felt used up and sick of life.

nonuse 近义词


等同于 obsoleteness


  • used to
  • use one's head
  • use up
  • have no use for
  • make use of
  • no use
  • put to good use


  1. As Ensminger puts it, one of Hallmark’s best attributes is its range, and the company has put that versatility to good use in the face of an overwhelming crisis.
  2. In Virginia, Hanley said a new law banning cellphone use while driving should increase highway safety.
  3. The platforms, which are outdoors, have undergone decades of use and weather-related deterioration.
  4. So far, the EEOC hasn’t even issued clear guidelines concerning hiring algorithms that are already in use.
  5. The first was the use of financial incentives — although they were so tiny, less than a dollar, that you have to wonder how powerful they’d be.
  6. There is no such thing as speech so hateful or offensive it somehow “justifies” or “legitimizes” the use of violence.
  7. In Israel, however, a new law took effect January 1st that banned the use of underweight models.
  8. The use of slurs from both characters makes it clear just how “new” the idea of an openly gay son is even in this time.
  9. In the meantime, Epstein has tried to use his charitable projects to float him back to the top.
  10. And in order for them to realize their vision, they are willing to use any means.
  11. If you use it wisely, it may be Ulysses' hauberk; if you reject it, the shirt of Nessus were a cooler winding-sheet!
  12. The sailors sometimes use it to fry their meat, for want of butter, and find it agreeable enough.
  13. Not much use as the high crests hid the intervening hinterland from view, even from the crow's nests.
  14. For this use of the voice in the special service of will-power, or propelling force, it is necessary first to test its freedom.
  15. Their method of curing the leaves was to air-dry them and then packing them until wanted for use.