nocturnal / nɒkˈtɜr nl /


nocturnal2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to the night.
  2. done, occurring, or coming at night: nocturnal visit.
  3. active at night: nocturnal animals.
  4. opening by night and closing by day, as certain flowers.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Archaic. an astrolabe for telling time at night or for determining latitude by the position of certain stars in reference to Polaris.

nocturnal 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

happening at night

nocturnal 的近义词 6


  1. The size of a house cat, colugos are nocturnal mammals that live in trees.
  2. Depending on where canopy bridges are located, marsupials or rodents could benefit, though observing such creatures to know for sure could be a challenge if they are nocturnal.
  3. Revealing these differences can be a stepping stone toward seeing how nocturnal activities are faring under climate change.
  4. This research project uses the nocturnal insects as a delivery service for tiny electronic packages that weigh less than a hundredth of an ounce.
  5. Besides eye and body size, the team also recorded information on where the frogs lived, whether they were diurnal or nocturnal, and certain aspects of their reproductive behavior.
  6. For the last few weeks, the Ukrainians have reported nocturnal attacks on positions in this area almost every morning.
  7. As the sun was setting, we made our way back, along a highway furrowed by hippos during their nocturnal forages.
  8. Coffeehouses stayed open late, while in the countryside, “spinning bees”—nocturnal gatherings of women—were enduringly popular.
  9. With Ramadan turning schedules nocturnal, the women are preparing daily breakfast meals, called iftar.
  10. Dennis was recovering from a downturn in his life—wild drugs, hospital, and a nocturnal escape organized by Jack Nicholson.
  11. If only they both come to realise it in their normal waking states his Double will cease these nocturnal excursions.
  12. Desks and boxes were thrust aside, the winch was manned, and the weighty lantern mounted slowly to its nocturnal watch-tower.
  13. But they were not ready as yet to do any nocturnal spearing, and if ever Indians wanted a night's rest they wanted it.
  14. And each man, I am sure, can imagine how ill A journey nocturnal agree with me will.
  15. Such was found to be the case, as they are strictly nocturnal hunters, and keep their holes closely shut during the day-time.