nitrocellulose / ˌnaɪ trəˈsɛl yəˌloʊs /


nitrocellulose 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. any of a group of nitric esters of cellulose, used in the manufacture of lacquers and explosives: used as a film base in the early days of filmmaking, nitrocellulose is now a common component of multilayered film structures, especially cellophane.


  1. Contains nitrocellulose insoluble and soluble, metallic nitrates, and vaseline.
  2. Noddite: a strip sporting-rifle powder containing nitroglycerine, nitrocellulose, mineral jelly.
  3. These nitrates are variously known as nitrocellulose, pyroxylin, and gun cotton.
  4. One of these dopes was nitrate in character and was made from nitrocellulose and certain wood-chemical solvents including alcohol.
  5. In fact, it would be impossible to use a smokeless powder made of pure nitrocellulose in big guns without the multi-perforations.