nightmarish / ˈnaɪtˌmɛər ɪʃ /


nightmarish 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. resembling a nightmare, especially in being terrifying, exasperating, or the like: his nightmarish experience in a concentration camp.

nightmarish 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. The bird represents rebirth and defeats a horrible nightmarish demon.
  2. That one came up a few miles short, and more fires have followed in the 20 years since, nearly torching Lake McDonald Lodge and blackening vast sweeps of landscape, some of my special places reduced to what felt like nightmarish death zones.
  3. There are scatological images, people rollerblading among giant juice bottles, disturbing otherworldly images of astronauts, some nightmarish, some surreal, all colorful and inventive.
  4. However, there are some subtle differences that, on deeper investigation, are truly incredible, indicating just how far down the nightmarish path we actually are.
  5. In some cities, hopping onto a train, bus, or ferry can be nightmarish, but it’s the only way millions of people have to move around every day.
  6. These facts cast a new nightmarish tint to an already overwhelming public health calamity.
  7. Obama officials have to do a far better job of helping all Syrians see that this nightmarish future could surpass the Assad past.
  8. Rather than use metaphors that point toward nightmare, we would do better to turn our gaze to nightmarish reality itself.
  9. However, this particular nightmarish case seems the wrong place to start.
  10. Most Republican senators don't share this nightmarish vision of their country, thank goodness.
  11. I hope that I shall never, never forget, as long as I live, what a brick Jerry was through the whole of that nightmarish thing.
  12. Bart's wrist, after a few days of nightmarish pain when he tried to pick up anything heavy, had healed.
  13. It was bad enough, Cruthers thought, that these ants were six feet tall, but it was nightmarish to see them in three colors.
  14. There were still holes, holes that obscured the picture and twisted it into a nightmarish impossibility.
  15. Two enormous nightmarish heads were actually snapping at the fleeing podoko's tail.