nibbled / ˈnɪb əl /


nibbled3 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb

nib·bled, nib·bling.

  1. to bite off small bits.
  2. to eat or chew in small bites: Give him a graham cracker to nibble on.
  3. to bite, eat, or chew gently and in small amounts: She was so upset she could only nibble at her food.
v. 有主动词 verb

nib·bled, nib·bling.

  1. to bite off small bits of.
  2. to eat by biting off small pieces.
  3. to bite in small bits: He nibbled each morsel with great deliberation.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a small morsel or bit: Each nibble was eaten with the air of an epicure.
  2. an act or instance of nibbling.
  3. a response by a fish to bait on a fishing line.
  4. any preliminary positive response or reaction.

nibbled 近义词

n. 名词 noun

morsel, bite

nibbled 的近义词 6
nibbled 的反义词 2
v. 动词 verb

bite, pick at

nibbled 的近义词 9
nibbled 的反义词 1


  1. Enjoy these with casual snacks or appetizers, such as olives, salami and other nibbles.
  2. Inside a cabinet are more snacks, all complimentary, including a selection of savory and sweet nibbles, waters, and even Kombucha.
  3. Will he nibble around the edges, or will he actually take on the oil companies?
  4. Would he be able to nibble on foie gras, slurp fettuccine Alfredo, and sample chocolate mousse without putting on weight again?
  5. It stopped to nibble a few burrs, and when it was shooed on, it didn't stop to walk around the obstruction.
  6. The result was that the sheep came right up to the door to nibble the young and juicy grass.
  7. If they are young hawk-bills, they will nibble the seaweed, and soon go on to crabs and shell-fish, and even little fishes.
  8. Beneath this the girl stopped a moment, and let Bumper nibble at the green grass.
  9. He had tried all day to nibble through it, and dig under it, but the wire had only hurt his teeth without giving way a particle.