newsvendor / ˈnuzˌvɛn dər, ˈnyuz- /


newsvendor 的定义

n. 名词 noun

Chiefly British.

  1. a person who sells newspapers or periodicals.


  1. Before getting into the train, I observed a newsvendor on the platform.
  2. Her eye had unconsciously been arrested by the posters which the newsvendor was deftly glueing down on the pavement.
  3. The newsvendor, grizzled and sunburnt right into the wrinkles, picked up the sheet and looked at her wonderingly.
  4. Sir John bustled on, anxious to anticipate in other quarters the coming newsvendor, and Sir Robert turned to his lieutenant.
  5. The newsvendor's stall and the doctor's office within hail of each other!