neuroma / nʊˈroʊ mə, nyʊ- /


neuroma 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural neu·ro·mas, neu·ro·ma·ta [noo-roh-muh-tuh, nyoo-]. /nʊˈroʊ mə tə, nyʊ-/. Pathology.

  1. a tumor formed of nerve tissue.


  1. Angioma, lymphangioma, and neuroma are described with the disease of the individual tissues.
  2. Neuroma is a clinical term applied to all tumours, irrespective of their structure, which have their seat in nerves.
  3. The malignant neuroma is met with chiefly in the sciatic and other large nerves of the limbs.
  4. The tumours resemble the solitary trunk-neuroma, are usually quite insensitive, and many of them are unknown to the patient.
  5. Overgrowths in relation to the cutaneous nerves, especially the plexiform neuroma, occasionally originate in pigmented moles.