nestling / ˈnɛst lɪŋ, ˈnɛs lɪŋ /


nestling 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a young bird not yet old enough to leave the nest.
  2. a young child or infant.

nestling 近义词

v. 动词 verb

curl up


  1. My Lovely Wife and I missed the moment the nestlings turned into fledglings, that instant when they parachute from the bird box.
  2. William did so like a true professional, nestling the mercifully quiet baby comfortably in the crook of his arm.
  3. Lay the baccalà chunks on top of the caramelized onions, nestling in all the chunks in one layer.
  4. "Yes—no," she answered, nestling so close to him that the rose in her dress was loosened and fell to the ground.
  5. Directly at the foot of a steep hill we came upon the meeting-house, nestling in a wooded valley.
  6. Away in the distance they could see the mansion nestling amidst giant trees centuries old.
  7. At the top of the rise they saw their camp nestling beside the little creek in the valley.
  8. Then comes Dinant, nestling on the right bank of the river, below the fortress which rises on the steep hillside.