nerviness / ˈnɜr vi /


nerviness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

nerv·i·er, nerv·i·est.

  1. brashly presumptuous or insolent; pushy: a nervy thing to say; a nervy trick to pull.
  2. having or showing courage; brave or bold: the nervy feats of the mountaineers.
  3. strong; sinewy; vigorous: a hard, nervy physique.
  4. Chiefly British. straining one's patience or forbearance; trying.
  5. nervous; excitable; on edge.

nerviness 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. The bodega owner had to be able to rap, which wasn’t necessarily a common skill among aspiring Broadway stars at the time — but it was one Miranda had, in addition to a nervy, rangy stage presence that worked well with the show’s underdog energy.
  2. The nervy electricity and joy of the film, arriving at this moment in time, are an unbeatable combo.
  3. Nervy as men are made, MacRae worshiped at the shrine of an even break, a square deal for friend or foe.
  4. He must be getting nervy, he thought, and continued his inspection of the wallet.
  5. The magistrate of Esifeni was not a timid man, but the monotony of life at his remote post rather tended to make him “nervy.”
  6. He was one of the gregarious sort, a loud talker, nervy really, very familiar with all the passengers.
  7. Oh, ho, I see you are not as nervy as I thought, there was a mischievous glint in his merry black eyes.