necklet / ˈnɛk lɪt /


necklet 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. something worn around the neck for ornamentation, as a fur piece.

necklet 近义词


等同于 beads


  1. A gold necklet found at Enkomi, in Cyprus, consists of a line of models of this Mycenaean shield.
  2. I caused Salome's illness by dragging her down into Harstone to get a necklet of hers on which I was trying to raise money.
  3. I will go down with you to-morrow and get that wretched necklet.
  4. Are you quite sure the necklet was in that large dressing-case?
  5. "Put the necklet back into the dressing-case, mother," Salome repeated.