neckcloth / ˈnɛkˌklɔθ, -ˌklɒθ /


neckcloth 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural neck·cloths [nek-klawthz, -klothz, -klawths, -kloths]. /ˈnɛkˌklɔðz, -ˌklɒðz, -ˌklɔθs, -ˌklɒθs/. Obsolete.


  1. She sent him a hand-knitted neckcloth (he had asked her to send him something made by her hands).
  2. There may be no great danger yet; but a man can't be too careful when he wears a narrow neckcloth.
  3. Running towards the old man, he and his wife quickly raised him and loosened his neckcloth.
  4. This statue used to be decked out on the occasion of the procession in the long peruke and neckcloth of the reign of Charles II.
  5. He was dressed in black; his hair was cropped and powdered, his shirt-collar open, and he wore no neckcloth.
  6. Just then a hard hand was wrung into my neckcloth, and I felt myself dragged out of the water.