neckband / ˈnɛkˌbænd /


neckband 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a band of cloth at the neck of a garment.
  2. a band, especially one of ornamental design, worn around the neck, affixed to a bottle, etc.

neckband 近义词


等同于 collar


  1. They’re connected via a short neckband cable, so there’s no worry about losing one.
  2. Chevesaile, a collar; properly, the neckband of the robe, as explained in the New E. Dict.
  3. The thin, corded neck stiffened back, rising from a dirty, collarless neckband.
  4. The judge swathed him with one of Mrs. Penniman's aprons, crowding folds of it inside his neckband.
  5. Denis was sitting in his shirt-sleeves, his collar off and neckband loosened, when Ebenezer Brown entered.
  6. Hookers tie had been removed and his collar and neckband unbuttoned.