navigable / ˈnæv ɪ gə bəl /


navigable 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. deep and wide enough to provide passage to ships: a navigable channel.
  2. capable of being steered or guided, as a ship, aircraft, or missile.

navigable 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


navigable 的近义词 5


  1. Big Thicket is also a gateway to some 313 miles of navigable waterways, including three designated paddling trails through cypress sloughs, rivers, creeks, and oxbow lakes.
  2. The British had landed five days earlier near the head of navigable waters on the Patuxent River, southeast of Washington.
  3. At the highest navigable point of the Congo River, thick jungle creates an impenetrable wall of green around a large island.
  4. This one literally takes up four corners on Rue Sherbrooke, all navigable via underground routes.
  5. The title to the bed of all lakes, ponds, and navigable rivers to the ordinary high-water mark is vested in the states.
  6. The distance from the navigable waters of the Missouri to the navigable waters of the Columbia is less than three hundred miles.
  7. The river has a deeper channel than the Missouri, and is navigable through the summer months.
  8. It is situated at the mouth of the Yangtse-Kiang, the largest river of Asia, navigable for fifteen hundred miles.
  9. On our right is a mile-long channel leading to South Walsham Broad, part of which is navigable and part private.