nationalist / ˈnæʃ ə nl ɪst, ˈnæʃ nə lɪst /


nationalist2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person devoted to nationalism.
  2. a member of a political group advocating or fighting for national independence, a strong national government, etc.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Also na·tion·al·is·tic. of, relating to, or promoting nationalism: the beginnings of a nationalist movement.
  2. of, relating to, or noting a political group advocating or fighting for national independence, a strong national government, etc.

nationalist 近义词


等同于 patriot


  1. The war against Echo has coincided with the rise of Russian nationalist and pro-Kremlin movements.
  2. More than secular nationalist movements or industrial interests or mental illness or knitting groups?
  3. Paper flags of countries that have fought for freedom hang on strings from the ceiling like nationalist Christmas lights.
  4. In the past, nationalist and Islamist groups have cooperated; and some Baathists like Haji Bakr have later become Islamists.
  5. Now, argues Black, Miller is all over the news giving the white nationalist movement a bad, or worse, name.
  6. In the great revolt of Boadicea the nationalist party seem to have massacred many thousands of them along with actual Romans.
  7. But it was true that the Foreign Office gave small attention to the great nationalist movements that were maturing in Europe.
  8. It is needless to say that under their influence the action of the Board has been conducted on strictly Nationalist lines.
  9. And another Nationalist Member added: "We are anxious for the co-operation of those who have leisure, wealth and knowledge."
  10. For this reason they were generally spoken of by the Nationalist parties as Reichsfeindlich.