- 看过 nationalist 的人也看了 :
- partisan
- loyalist
- volunteer
- flag-waver
- jingoist
- ultranationalist
nationalist 的 2 个定义
- a person devoted to nationalism.
- a member of a political group advocating or fighting for national independence, a strong national government, etc.
- Also na·tion·al·is·tic. of, relating to, or promoting nationalism: the beginnings of a nationalist movement.
- of, relating to, or noting a political group advocating or fighting for national independence, a strong national government, etc.
nationalist 近义词
等同于 patriot
nationalist 的近义词 9 个
nationalist 的反义词 1 个
- The war against Echo has coincided with the rise of Russian nationalist and pro-Kremlin movements.
- More than secular nationalist movements or industrial interests or mental illness or knitting groups?
- Paper flags of countries that have fought for freedom hang on strings from the ceiling like nationalist Christmas lights.
- In the past, nationalist and Islamist groups have cooperated; and some Baathists like Haji Bakr have later become Islamists.
- Now, argues Black, Miller is all over the news giving the white nationalist movement a bad, or worse, name.
- In the great revolt of Boadicea the nationalist party seem to have massacred many thousands of them along with actual Romans.
- But it was true that the Foreign Office gave small attention to the great nationalist movements that were maturing in Europe.
- It is needless to say that under their influence the action of the Board has been conducted on strictly Nationalist lines.
- And another Nationalist Member added: "We are anxious for the co-operation of those who have leisure, wealth and knowledge."
- For this reason they were generally spoken of by the Nationalist parties as Reichsfeindlich.