nasally / ˈneɪ zə li, -zəl li /


nasally 的定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. in a nasal manner.
  2. by inhaling through the nose: to take drugs nasally.


  1. Thirty minutes before the phone call, I watched YouTube clips to prepare my nasally accent.
  2. For a period, he tried to force his mother to respond in the same nasally squeak, to little enthusiasm.
  3. But,' added he nasally, 'in this world we must give and take.
  4. The first of each of the phrases ends nasally in the middle range, the second toward the forehead and the cavities of the head.
  5. He snuffled, and he talked nasally, which made Carolyn 214 May shudder sometimes, but she was brave about it when in Amos company.
  6. Pal subsided and Pete said nasally, "Blazer allus call't him Buster."
  7. In the absence of profounder proof we do remember an "eye-snuff," which they who were up to it of course took nasally.