narcissus / nɑrˈsɪs əs /


narcissus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural nar·cis·sus, nar·cis·sus·es, nar·cis·si [nahr-sis-ee, -sis-ahy] /nɑrˈsɪs i, -ˈsɪs aɪ/ for 1, 2.

  1. any bulbous plant belonging to the genus Narcissus, of the amaryllis family, having showy yellow or white flowers with a cup-shaped corona.
  2. the flower of any of these plants.
  3. Classical Mythology. a youth who fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool and wasted away from unsatisfied desire, whereupon he was transformed into the flower.


  1. Calm down and reacquaint yourself with the myth of Narcissus.
  2. At first glance, this makes us seem even worse than Narcissus.
  3. “I am going to be the nominee,” the modern-day Narcissus declared while gazing at his reflection in the polls.
  4. We set the Narcissus poeticus bulbs where, if they grew, the flowers could look at themselves in the mirror below the dam.
  5. Maugiron was playing with Narcissus, the large greyhound, and Quelus was sitting near.
  6. Not so, sire; I place Narcissus far above you, for he knows how to defend himself, and you do not.
  7. Zelphine and I have decided that we will never acknowledge this to be a Dionysus or anything less poetic than the Narcissus.
  8. The “Times” is the secluded pool into which England loves to gaze when it plays the rle of Narcissus.