napier / ˈneɪ pi ər /


napier 的定义

n. 名词 noun



  1. In the case of the latter, Napier says that there are clear similarities between Spirited Away and del Toro’s 2006 live-action fantasy Pan’s Labyrinth.
  2. When Spirited Away took home the Academy Award, Napier says, “people were starting to say, wow, what’s all this about animation that it’s getting its own category, that it’s considered a real art form.”
  3. He compares Napier’s argument to seeing a group of bears in the forest.
  4. He’s an astronomer at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia who works with Napier.
  5. “It really looks like we just find things where we look,” Napier says.
  6. We can conscientiously recommend 'Neutronics,' by Dr. Napier, to the careful perusal of our invalid readers.
  7. Figueiras was reduced by a naval expedition, under Admiral Napier, and Coimbra opened its gates to the duke himself.
  8. At any rate, a glance at the pages of a Napier, or a word from the Duke of Wellington would have enlightened him on the subject.
  9. Mrs. Napier has a pet school for boys, kept by a cousin of hers, I fancy, that ought to be a fairly useful one.
  10. This, which Napier described as "the ordinary food of the Portuguese," is the backbone of the worker's menu.