a technology executed on the scale of less than 100 nanometers, the goal of which is to control individual atoms and molecules, especially to create computer chips and other microscopic devices.
If agricultural nanotechnology is to achieve widespread use, it needs to observe environmental and safety regulations, as well as — perhaps even more challengingly — overcome consumer wariness.
Innovations in AI, 5G, nanotechnology and biotech have kick-started what World Economic Forum chair Klaus Schwab calls a fourth Industrial Revolution that will fuse the physical, digital and biological worlds.
There was great excitement over recent breakthroughs in nanotechnology.
He’s a nanotechnology researcher who was not involved with the study.
He is an organic chemist and nanotechnology specialist at Rice University in Houston, Texas.
The first Tehelka Think Festival in India kicked off today with panels on everything from nanotechnology to satire.
No sooner had the first annual Tehelka Think festival launched when the conversation turned to nanotechnology.
The same process is playing out today in future growth sectors like clean energy and nanotechnology.
The absence of expensive and uncommon tools is often what holds up innovation in nanotechnology.