nailhead / ˈneɪlˌhɛd /


nailhead 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the enlarged top of a nail, usually flattened but sometimes rounded.
  2. an ornament that suggests or resembles the enlarged top of a nail.


  1. This club room style chair has decorative nailhead trim and is offered in muted grey and green colors.
  2. In the above-mentioned wall is an Early English doorway, with a dripstone adorned with the nailhead moulding.
  3. All the string-courses, it will be noticed, are enriched with the nailhead moulding.
  4. Just at the point of junction in the nailhead was a small convent garden, all scarlet, pink, white and dazzling emerald green.
  5. It takes a keen eye to see a fly or a nailhead at fifty yards—one hundred and fifty feet.
  6. Marglobe is a midseason variety, with large vine and foliage, resistant to fusarium and nailhead spot.