mythos / ˈmɪθ ɒs, ˈmaɪ θɒs /


mythos 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural myth·oi [mith-oi, mahy-thoi]. /ˈmɪθ ɔɪ, ˈmaɪ θɔɪ/.

  1. the underlying system of beliefs, especially those dealing with supernatural forces, characteristic of a particular cultural group.
  2. myth.
  3. mythology.

mythos 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. Of course, the prevailing mythos presents high school football as the ultimate builder of character.
  2. Music Box: An ornate music box that figures prominently into the Dark Shadows mythos.
  3. But for all of her comic relief, Blankenship became a tragic figure in the Mad Men mythos, dying silently at her desk.
  4. Yet still more striking than this, is the part which the dove plays in the Indian mythos of the birth of the Hindoo Saviour.
  5. The suggested area was not beyond the limits of the Greek mythos.
  6. Tis the old sweet mythos,the infant nourished at the fathers breast.
  7. Every human being has his invisible angel, says the mythos; both are different and yet resemble each other.
  8. Had she only lived earlier in the century she might easily have become the centre of a mythos.