mythologize / mɪˈθɒl əˌdʒaɪz /


mythologize2 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb

my·thol·o·gized, my·thol·o·giz·ing.

  1. to classify, explain, or write about myths.
  2. to construct or narrate myths.
v. 有主动词 verb

my·thol·o·gized, my·thol·o·giz·ing.

  1. to make into or explain as a myth; make mythical.


  1. Yet, for as pathbreaking as “Hamilton” was, it presents a fairly stodgy take on the Founders, one that mythologizes them and especially glosses over their relationship to slavery.
  2. He began to mythologize about it on account of the grand elements of welfare, risk, and skill which were in it.
  3. Perhaps; but, as in the days of Plato, we must needs mythologize when we come to deal with the other life.
  4. No progress of science can wholly eradicate this tendency to mythologize.
  5. They always reveal the invincible tendency of the masses to mythologize.
  6. If, since we are discussing a metaphysical issue,431 we must mythologize, we might call it the "will to self-expression."