any plant of the genus Myrtus, especially M. communis, a shrub of southern Europe having evergreen leaves, fragrant white flowers, and aromatic berries: anciently held sacred to Venus and used as an emblem of love.Compare myrtle family.
any of certain unrelated plants, as the periwinkle, Vinca minor, and California laurel, Umbellularia californica.
Also called myr·tle·wood[mur-tl-wood]. /ˈmɜr tlˌwʊd/. the hard, golden-brown wood of the California laurel.
Also called myrtle green . dark green with bluish tinge.
Traffic up ahead on Myrtle backed up, and Johnson began weaving in and out.
They were racing toward the corner of Tompkins and Myrtle avenues with Johnson at the wheel when another call came over the radio.
And suddenly, your dad is ranting about socialism while Aunt Myrtle lectures your sister about the ho-mo-sex-ual agenda.
In 1987, Myrtle Young came on The Tonight Show to show off her rare collection of potato chips.
Myrtle Beach Tea Party leader Joe Dugan was one of those who said his attention is elsewhere.
Then her cheeks began to pale, till they were tinged like the creamy plumes of the white crepe myrtle that grew in the ruin.
But she gazes beyond the salon, back into the big dining hall, where the white crepe myrtle grows.
Myrtle, youre looking as fresh as the first roses, said King OLeary artfully.
But Lady Myrtle Goodacre has never seen fit to call upon me, so it is all of a piece.
Lady Myrtle smiled, and gave a little pat to Frances's shining tangle of curly hair.