musicale / ˌmyu zɪˈkæl /


musicale 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a music program forming the main part of a social occasion.

musicale 近义词


等同于 recital


等同于 concert

musicale 的近义词 6
musicale 的反义词 3


  1. Fetis describes this soiree musicale as one of the most pleasant that had been given that year.
  2. The latter told him of his intention to give an account of the concert in the "Gazette Musicale."
  3. The next morning's musicale was quite the feast that Polly had anticipated, and Mrs. Jocelyn's was a twofold enjoyment.
  4. He knew she was practicing for a musicale which was to be given by Frau Burg-Schmidt's pupils, and that she had much to do.
  5. Some accident prevented me from attending a musicale given by a would-be friend the other evening.