municipalize / myuˈnɪs ə pəˌlaɪz /


municipalize 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

mu·nic·i·pal·ized, mu·nic·i·pal·iz·ing.

  1. to make a municipality of.
  2. to bring under municipal ownership or control.


  1. Public power advocates want the mayor to make a year-long extension while the city considers what it would mean to municipalize the whole energy system.
  2. To municipalize the city’s electricity — or buy up all the infrastructure and move the power business into city hands — is tempting to some.
  3. Unless physicians test themselves and their profession by results, we shall be compelled to "municipalize the medical man."
  4. Municipalize on this scale, I would say, and I am with you altogether.
  5. Will it need to municipalize him in order to protect itself?